Other notes to the Group’s Financial Statements 1–40

The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format and the complete Financial Statements in Pdf format.
33 Related party disclosures
Key management personnel
The key management personnel in Sampo Group consists of the members of the Board of Directors of Sampo plc and Sampo Group’s Executive Committee, and the entities over which the members of the key management personnel have a control.
Key management compensation
EURm 2017 2016
Short-term employee benefits 9 9
Post employment benefits 3 2
Other long-term benefits 7 14
Total 19 26
Short-term employee benefits comprise salaries and other short-terms benefits, including profit-sharing bonuses accounted for for the year, and social security costs.
Post employment benefits include pension benefits under the Employees’ Pensions Act (TyEL) in Finland and voluntary supplementary pension benefits.
Other long-term benefits consist of the benefits under long-term incentive schemes accounted for for the year (see Note 34).
Related party transactions of the key management
The key management does not have any loans from the Group companies.
Outstanding balances with related parties/Associate Nordea
EURm 2017 2016
Assets 1,948 2,500
Liabilities 72 90
The Group's receivables from Nordea coprise mainly long-term investments in bonds and deposits. In addition, the Group has several on-going derivative contracts related to the Group's risk management of investments and liabilities.