Notes to Sampo plc’s Financial Statements

The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format and the complete Financial Statements in Pdf format.
Notes on the staff and management 17–19
17 Staff numbers
EURm 2017
Average during the year
Average during the year
Full-time staff 56 56
Part-time staff 4 3
Temporary staff 3 2
Total 63 61
18 Board fees and management remuneration
EUR thousand 2017 2016
Managing Director Kari Stadigh 3,690 4,936
Members of the Board of Directors
Björn Wahlroos 175 160
Christian Clausen 96 80
Jannica Fagerholm 115 80
Adine Grate Axén 96 80
Veli-Matti Mattila 90 80
Risto Murto 90 80
Eira Palin-Lehtinen 115 100
Per Arthur Sørlie 96 80
In addition to the above, the company has in accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting in 2017 compensated transfer tax of in total EUR 3,345.22 related to the acquisition of the company shares (EUR 916.80 pertaining to the Vice Chairman and EUR 2,428.42 pertaining to the other members of the Board).
Pension liability
The Group CEO is entitled to a defined contribution pension in accordance with the pension contract in force. The annual pension premium is fixed at EUR 400,000.
19 Pension contributions to the ceo, deputy ceo and the members of the board
EUR thousand Supplementary pension costs Statutory pension costs Total
Pension contributions paid during the year
President/CEO1) 400 172 572
Former Chairmen of the Board
Kalevi Keinänen2) 10 - 10
Former Presidents/CEO:s
Harri Hollmen3) 23 - 23
433 172 605
1) The Group CEO is entitled to a defined contribution pension in accordance with the pension contract in force. The annual pension premium is fixed at EUR 400,000. The supplementary pension premiums for 2016 included payments to a supplementary TEL-L group pension plan, which based on changes in legislation was removed as of 31 December 2016 and forms a paid-up policy.
2) Group pension agreement with a retirement age of 60 years and a pension benefit of 66 per cent of the pensionable TyEL-salary (TyEL: Employee's Pension Act). No annual index adjustment in 2017.
3) Group pension agreement with a retirement age of 60 and a pension benefit of 60 per cent of the pensionable TyEL-salary. No annual index adjustment in 2017.