Consolidated Balance Sheet, IFRS

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Consolidated balance sheet, IFRS
EURm Note 12/2017 12/2016
Property, plant and equipment 10 158 27
Investment property 11 653 211
Intangible assets 12 2,121 612
Investments in associates 13 7,765 8,107
Financial assets 9 14 15 16 17 18 22,832 17,668
Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts 9 19 7,409 3,427
Tax assets 20 18 27
Reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities 25 297 239
Other assets 24 1,940 1,761
Cash and cash equivalents 2,734 2,585
Assets held for sale 35 3,374 3,291
Total assets 49,300 37,955
Liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 25 18,900 13,990
Liabilities for unit-linked insurance and investment contracts 26 7,959 3,407
Financial liabilities 9 15 16 27 3,649 3,847
Tax liabilities 20 638 527
Provisions 28 33 35
Employee benefits 29 57 79
Other liabilities 30 1,258 933
Liabilities related to assets held for sale 35 3,299 3,202
Total liabilities 35,792 26,021
Equity 32
Share capital 98 98
Reserves 1,530 1,531
Retained earnings 10,692 9,700
Other components of equity 528 605
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 12,848 11,934
Non-controlling interests 660 -
Total equity 13,508 11,934
Total equity and liabilities 49,300 37,955