Other notes to the Group’s Financial Statements 1–40

The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format and the complete Financial Statements in Pdf format.
32 Equity and reserves
EURm 2017 2016
1 January 560,000 560,000
Cancellation of shares on the joint-book entry -4,648 -
31 December 555,352 560,000
At the end of the financial year, the mother company or other Group companies held no shares in the parent company.
Reserves and retained earnings
Legal reserve
The legal reserve comprises the amounts to be transferred from the distributable equity according to the articles of association or on the basis of the decision of the AGM.
Invested unrestricted equity
The reserve includes other investments of equity nature, as well as issue price of shares to an extent it is not recorded in share capital by an express decision.
Other components of equity
Other components of equity include fair value changes of financial assets available for sale and derivatives used in cash flow hedges, and exchange differences.

Changes in the reserves and retained earnings are presented in the Group's statement of changes in equity.