Other notes to the Group’s Financial Statements 1–40
Select note 1–40
- 1 Insurance premiums written
- 2 Net income from investments
- 3 Claims incurred
- 4 Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts
- 5 Staff costs
- 6 Other operating expenses
- 7 Result analysis of If
- 8 Earnings per share
- 9 Financial assets and liabilities
- 10 Property, plant and equipment
- 11 Investment property
- 12 Intangible assets
- 13 Investments in associates
- 14 Financial assets
- 15 Fair values
- 16 Determination and hierarchy of fair values
- 17 Movements in level 3 financial instruments measured at fair value
- 18 Sensitivity analysis of level 3 financial instruments measured at fair value
- 19 Investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts
- 20 Deferred tax assets and liabilities
- 21 Taxes
- 22 Components of other comprehensive income
- 23 Tax effects relating to components of other comprehensive income
- 24 Other assets
- 25 Liabilities from insurance and investment contracts
- 26 Liabilities from unit-linked insurance and investment contracts
- 27 Financial liabilities
- 28 Provisions
- 29 Employee benefits
- 30 Other liabilities
- 31 Contingent liabilities and commitments
- 32 Equity and reserves
- 33 Related party disclosures
- 34 Incentive schemes
- 35 Assets and liabilities related to assets held for sale
- 36 Auditors' fees
- 37 Legal proceedings
- 38 Investments in subsidiaries
- 39 Risk management disclosures
- 40 Events after the balance sheet date
The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format and the complete Financial Statements in Pdf format.
40 Events after the balance sheet date |
In the meeting of 7 Feb. 2018, the Board of Directors decided to propose at the Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2018 a dividend distribution of EUR 2.60 per share, or total EUR 1.443.914.810, for 2017. The dividends to be paid will be accounted for in the equity in 2018 as a deduction of retained earnings. |