Sampo plc’s Statement of Cash Flows

The tables for the Financial Statements are also available in Excel format and the complete Financial Statements in Pdf format.
Statement of cash flows
EURm 2017 2016
Operating activities
Profit before taxes 1,396 1,567
Unrealised gains and losses arising from valuation 0 1
Realised gains and losses on investments -8 26
Other adjustments -502 -563
Adjustments total -509 -535
Change (+/-) in assets of operating activities
Investments *) 119 40
Other assets -17 31
Total 102 71
Change (+/-) in liabilities of operating activities
Financial liabilities 7 -9
Other liabilities -47 -25
Paid interests -39 -14
Paid taxes -12 -10
Total -91 -58
Net cash from operating activities 898 1,044
Investing activities
Investments in group and associated undertakings 501 -422
Net investment in equipment and intangible assets 0 0
Net cash from investing activities 501 -422
Financing activities
Dividends paid -1,286 -1,192
Issue of debt securities 1,042 2,271
Repayments of debt securities in issue -1,395 -1,002
Net cash used in financing activities -1,639 78
Total cash flows -239 699
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 1,439 739
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 1,199 1,439
Net change in cash and cash equivalents -239 699
*) Investments include both investment property and financial assets.
Additional information to the statement of cash flows:
EURm 2017 2016
Interest income received 40 84
Interest expense paid -62 -71
Dividend income received 1,453 1,567